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Anger Statistics

*23%  Americans admit they openly express their anger. *39% They hold it in or hide it. *23% They walk away from the situation.  

*23% Confess to having hit someone in anger. *17% Admit they have destroyed the property of someone who made them mad.

Violence in Schools Statistics:

*Each year, 3 million young people in the U.S. fall victim to crime at school and almost 2 million of these incidents involve some form of violence. *In the 2005-2006 school year, among students ages 12-18 there were about 1.5 million victims of nonfatal crimes, including thefts an violent crimes (rape, sexual assault, robbery and aggravated assault . *Preliminary data show that among youth ages 5-18, there were 17 school-associated violent deaths. *During 2005-2006, 86 percent of public schools reported one or more serious violent incidents, theft or other crime occurred at their school, amounting to an estimated 2.2 million crimes. *This figure translates into a rate of 46 crimes per 1,000 students enrolled in 2005-2006. *In 2003-2004, 10 percent of teachers in city school was threatened with injury by students, 6 percent of teachers in suburban schools, 5 percent of teachers in town schools and 5 percent of teachers in rural schools. *Recent data shows that 39 out of every 1,000 teachers experience some sort of crime, and the true rate maybe much higher since most incidents go unreported. *The overall rate of violent incidents for all public schools was 31 per 1,000 students. *The rate of violent incidents was significantly higher in the middle schools (52 incidents per 1,000 students) than in primary schools (25 incidents per 1,000 students) or higher schools (26 incidents per 1,000 students).​


Bullying Statistics:

*National estimates indicates that 30 percent of youth in grade six through 10 are involved in bullying, either as a target or as the bully. Some even experience both. In 2005-2006, 24 percent of public schools reported that student bullying was a daily or weekly problem. *Regarding other discipline problems occurring at least once a week, 18 percent school principals reported student acts of disrespect for teachers; 9 percent reported student verbal abuse of teachers. *While 52 percent of all schools reported at least one student threat of physical attack without a weapon,9 percent of schools reported such a threat with a weapon.



Facts about School Violence and Bullying:

24% of high school students knew of gangs at their school in 2005.In 2005 students ages 12-18 were victims of about 628,200 violent crimes at school, including rape, aggravated assault and robbery. Approximately 22% of urban 11 and 12 year olds know at least one person their age in a gang. Young people who bully are more likely to smoke, drink alcohol and get into fights. The percentage of public schools experiencing one or more violent incidents increased between the 1999-2000 and 2003-2004 school years, from 71%-81%.

Teenagers say revenge is the strongest motivation for school shootingsBullying occurs most frequently in grades 6-8 with little variation between urban, suburban town, and rural areas. Sources: Centers for Disease control and Prevention, Constitutional Rights Foundation, National Center for Education Statistics, US Department of Justice, Indicators of School Crime and Safety:2006, U.S. Departments of Education and Justice, 2006, National Institutes of Health 2001.



Facts about Students Who Bully and are Bullied:

60% of those characterized as bullies in grades 6-9 will have at least one criminal conviction by age 24. Those that are bullied tend to grow up more socially anxious, with less self-esteem and require more mental health services throughout life. 61% said students shoot others because they have been victims of physical abuse at home. 54% said witnessing physical abuse at home can lead to violence in school. Among students, homicide perpetrators were more than twice as likely as homicide victims to have been bullies by peers. 282,000 students are physically attacked in secondary schools each month. 100,000 students carry a gun to school each day. 28% of youths who carry weapons have witnessed violence at home, Duane Alexander, M.D., Director of NICHD.

*Ephesian 4:26 (King James Bible). Be angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath.​

*Ephesians 4:26 (NIV Bible). "In your anger do not sin": Do not let the sun go down while you are still anger.

Being angry is not a sin, it is what you do with the anger is a sin.

There are two kinds of anger: Healthy Angry and Unhealthy Anger.



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